Stitches Tutorial

                                                       Tutorial on Basic Stitches

For the Beginners in crocheting i wish to explain all the stitches and terms popular in the crochet world. There are already many video tutorials available in the internet  but still, i thought it would be good to assemble all the stitches in one place using pictorial so that you can get a brief note .Stay tuned :)

The main stitches are
  • Single Crochet
  • Half Double Crochet
  • Double Crochet
  • Treble Crochet

  Hook used : 3mm
  Yarn:          worsted weight yarn woolen

Foundation Chain

This is the Basic chain upon which every stitch is crocheted.

Step by step procedure:

Slip knot
Insert Hook
Holding position of Yarn and Hook

yarn over
pull yarn through hook
Insert into slip knot with the hook

Draw out the yarn from the slip knot .One chain made
And it continues like the same .Hope the above pictorial makes you understand.
For little more depth in understanding ---after the hook is inserted into the slip knot hold in the position as mentioned and tighten the slip knot a bit and then yarn over. For pulling yarn through hook twist the hook and carefully insert into the slipknot and then draw it out. Yesss!! our first chain is made ..Chain on and on to get more practice . the more tightly you hold the yarn the more firm is the chain.

Single Crochet
Single crochet ongoing on the foundation chain.

 Step by step procedure:

insert hook into next stitch
Yarn over
Draw out the yarn through the two loops on the needle.

A Single crochet is the next basic and simple stitch .After foundation chain of desired length is completed,  single crochet can be made . Let us take foundation chain as row 1 and row 2 is single crochet .Always chain one before starting single crochet so that there is no sharp edge in row transition .For Single crochet insert hook into next stitch  .Now there are two loops on the needle.After that, yarn over and pull the hook through the two loops and one single crochet is made.

Half  Double Crochet:
Ongoing Half Double Crochet stitch

 Step by step procedure:

Yarn over
Insert hook into next stitch and pu he yarn
Yarn over

Draw the yarn with hook through the loops 

A half double crochet is slightly broader  than single crochet stitch and includes one extra step that is before inserting into the next stitch we have to yarn over . After inserting into next stitch and pulling the yarn through that stitch, there are three loops on the needle and now yarn over pull the yarn through all the loops which makes half double crochet.

Double Crochet:

Ongoing Double crochet
 Step by step procedure:

Yarn over 
Insert hook and pull the yarn
Yarn over and draw through first two loops

Yarn over
draw through last two loops

A Double crochet is done by adding one more step to half double crochet. We Yarn over , insert hook into next stitch and pull through that stitch  to make three loops on the yarn .Next,yarn over and pull only through first two loops leaving behind two loops on the needle.Now again yarn over and pull through remaining loops to make the double crochet.

Treble Crochet:
Ongoing Treble Crochet
Yarn over two times
insert hook into next stitch and pull the yarn
Draw the yrn throughfirst two loops
Yarn over and pulll through last two loops
Yarn over and pull through next twoloops

A Treble crochet is taller stitch . We have to yarn over two times then insert into next stitch  and pull the yarn through .Having four loops on the needle carefully yarn over and pull through first two loops, then yarn over pull through next two loops two times.

The height of the stitches increases from single to treble,so before crocheting on the next row chain 1 if it is a single crochet row, chain 2 for half double crochet row, and chain 3 for double crochet
row and chain 4 treble crochet row.

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